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Lotus Flower

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is therapy important, and why is it good for me?

The purpose of counseling is to provide a supportive and safe environment that allows you to explore areas of individual and family concern. It is a very personal process that can enhance your awareness of personal needs, feelings, goals and other individual concerns. Benefits of counseling may include (and are not limited to) improved mood, improved self-esteem, increased personal happiness, ability to regulate emotions, improve social relationships and cope better with stressful situations. You may also be able to make behavioral changes, learn to manage anger and reduce symptoms of mental health disorders. Additional benefits of counseling may be seen when specific problems are resolved.


How long will I need to be in treatment?

Therapy is individualized to each person, couple and/or family; therefore a specific number of visits cannot be identified. The amount of time spent in counseling often focuses on whether you have a long term or short-term personal goal. Your therapist might make suggestions on how to accomplish those goals, but only you are responsible for achieving them. Therapy is voluntary and you are able to discontinue your treatment at any time.


How often will I need to see you?

Therapy sessions are generally scheduled on a weekly basis. However this can also depend on what will be most beneficial to you based on your particular need.  This schedule is agreed upon at the time of your initial visit.


How long is each session?

Sessions typically last for 45-50 minutes. 


Do you accept insurance?

Right now we accept the following insurances:


MVP (all plans except Medicaid and Child Health Plus)

Kingston Trust

TriCare Humana


If we do not accept your insurance, you can see us as an out-of-network provider.  We can provide you with the necessary receipts and documentation to submit to your insurance company in order for you to receive reimbursement for your treatment. Your insurance company is responsible for determining if and how much they will reimburse you per session. 


How do I pay for my therapy sessions?

Payments are accepted by credit or debit card only.  At the time you schedule your first appointment you will be asked to submit your payment information.  Payments will be charged following your appointments with your therapist.


Is my therapy confidential?

Of course! Communications between a client and a therapist are privileged and confidential. No information is ever disclosed without the specific authorization of the client or parent/guardian of a minor client.


There are specific limited circumstances listed below, where your confidentiality would be breached:

  1. Therapist has been given written permission to share information 

  2. There is clear and present danger to the health and/or safety of the client

  3. There are indications that a client is a danger to themselves and/or a danger to others

  4. When there are reports of a minor or incapacitated adult being abused, neglected or maltreated a therapist must report allegation to state authorities. This includes physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional/psychological abuse.

  5. Therapist has a duty to warn the police and/or potential victim(s) if client discloses serious threat or intent of physical violence to a person or property

  6. If therapist is a defendant to a civil, criminal or disciplinary action arising from therapy

  7. The client is a defendant in a criminal proceeding and use of privilege would violate the defendant’s right to a compulsory process

I am mandated to report to authorities under the following circumstances:

  1. Incidents reported of physical abuse, sexual abuse, or neglect involving a child/adolescent

  2. Disclosure of intent to harm another person

I am permitted to breach confidentiality when:

  1. Incidents are reported involving emotional or psychological abuse of a child/adolescent 

  2. Indications of a client being a danger to themselves, others or property



If you are treating my child, when will I have a chance to meet with you?

Although you will often see your therapist for a few minutes during your child’s appointment, this is often not the best time to have a detailed discussion about your child and/or their treatment. We recommend additional sessions be scheduled with us in order to be able to best discuss your child’s treatment at length, as well as assist you with any parenting needs you may wish to address. A parent session is generally scheduled after 4-6 individual sessions with your child. If you have a more immediate concern, you are able to correspond with your therapist by phone and email.



Will you tell me what my child is saying during their therapy sessions with you?

Children and Adolescents are entitled to have a confidential relationship with their therapist both legally and ethically. We are happy to discuss your concerns and provide you with verbal reports on your child’s progress. However, specific confidential information will not be revealed without your child being aware, unless information obtained from the minor indicates danger to their well being.

>>> Please also see answer to “Is My Therapy Confidential?”.



What is your cancellation policy?

There will be times when you find the need to cancel and reschedule your session. Please cancel your appointment with at least 24 hours advanced notice. You will be charged your full session fee if you cancel with less than 24 hours notice before the time of your appointment. You will be charged your session fee if you “no show” and do not provide any reason for your behavior. We will always take into consideration emergencies and illnesses, pending individual circumstance.


What happens if I arrive late?

We will still meet for the duration of your regularly scheduled session time. This means that we will end on time and will not run over.



How can I reach you if we are outside of a session time?

Your therapist is available by phone but may not always be able to answer at the time of your call.  You may leave a message on their confidential voicemail expect to receive a return call as soon as possible. You can also email your therapist to communicate regarding your treatment, resources, to answer questions, or address issues between sessions. 


What should I do when I arrive for my appointment?

Please text your therapist to let them know that you arrived.  While you wait, please complete the COVID-19 Screening Sheet and wait for your therapist to invite you into the therapy space.  Sometimes your therapist might be finishing up with a client and may need a moment before bringing you in.


What can I expect and do I need to bring anything to our first session?

Before your appointment, you will need to completed all intake materials online in the Simple Practice Patient Portal and make sure that your payment and insurance information are uploaded.  Our first session will last about an hour:  it is a time where we will review your forms, discuss your reasons for entering treatment, identify our focus of therapy and establish your regular appointment schedule. If you are accompanying your child to their first appointment, we may meet together for all of the session or meet with your child individually for part of the session depending on their level of comfort.


Are you able to provide sessions outside of your office location?

Yes! If you are not able to come into the office, telemental health sessions can be provided remotely using our Simple Practice platform, and Zoom and FaceTime as backups. Remote sessions are offered to anyone residing in New York State.  Regular session fees apply.  


Do you prescribe medication?

No.  None of our providers are physicians and therefore cannot prescribe you with any medicines. If medication is a part of your treatment plan or it is believed that it may benefit you, we can refer you to a psychiatrist for assessment and follow up.


How Can I begin?

You’ve already started! The first step is reaching out to us…You can pick up the phone and call our Intake Coordinator at  (845) 243-7789, email me at or fill out the contact form through this website. We look forward to hearing from you.






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